About & Regulations

You can call me Kit or Des. I'm 21+1. I’m a little semi-selective and I don’t follow everyone back. If I do follow you back I want to roleplay with you. If I don't follow you but you want to interact, my dms should be open and I can follow you back!
2. I am not picky about characters. Own characters are welcome as well as canon characters. Information will be greatly appreciated about your Oc character.
- I do not do exclusives. I don’t mind if anyone else does this.
3. Shipping. I love shipping my muse is prone to flirting, whether they realize it or not and this does not mean I’m looking for a ship it is just how they are. I would never force a ship.
- I’m open to just about every relationship, pre-est or not.
- Generally, most, if not all ships will fall into their own universe.
4. Nsfw. Generally open to most non-extreme smut; there are some topics or kinks I will not do but that would have to be discussed in dms.
- I will not smut with people or muses under 18.
5. I am unfortunately dyslexic. I will eventually mix up words or completely forget some words completely, if it happens please(!) let me know; I know twitter specifically doesn't have a edit feature but I will fix it in Dm's or completely redo the post.
6. I always read rules and muse pages before interacting.


Name: Lin Zheyuan
Birthday: October 21
Age: 800
Zodiac Sign: Libra(western) Monkey(Eastern)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Species: Succubus/Jaguar mix
Height: 5'9
Gender: Male / Female, dependent
Backstory: Being a half-breed, Zheyuan doesn't fit in with normal succubi or that of the demon jaguars. He was never considered part of the succubi group when he was born, having the full appearance of a jaguar cub. His mother was scorned and had to take care of little Zheyuan in seclusion. Once of age and able to care for himself, Zheyuan was abandoned in a forest. Most of the time he stayed in the form of a jaguar, occasionally taking his human form when he would pick up the scent of humans. He hunted humans much like he would other animals, even if he preferred people who had a strong spiritual base.One particular person had caught his attention. He was unable to take all of their qi, but they didn’t seem bothered either. Zheyuan hadn’t realized he had fallen in love at first sight with them. Their strength was attractive to him and so he followed them. The pair traveled to many places over a course of several hundred years and in that time Zheyuan had binded his spirit to them. Eventually, it was revealed to him that this person was a heavenly being.The relationship between them was symbiotic, neither hurt the other at first glance. Eventually, the god weakened while Zheyuan grew stronger. Then, one day the god spoke, “Stay here and wait for my return. Where I’m going you can’t come with. Don’t worry yourself, I will return soon.” And Zheyuan waited. And kept waiting. A year passed.Once his spirit that was binded to god broke, was when he realized they were gone. Zheyuan knew they had grown weak but he didn’t think they would never return. He never understood why they had lied. He returned to his territory where his memory became hazy and his mood restless. It was strange for him to be this restless and full of sadness. His recklessness and strength eventually attracted the attention of the heavens, where it was relieved that it had been Zheyuan’s fault for meddling with a god and taking from them. His punishment was having his power restricted by divine binds, sealing away Zheyuan’s power. Had he not been grief stricken, he would have realized how truly powerful he was. Zheyuan was rendered almost helpless once he was binded with his power reduced to an average demon’s strength. With his territory unsafe for him to traverse he hid himself as a domestic cat and lived among humans, eventually growing a dislike toward them.Appearance: Zheyuan can appear as a black cat with gold enchantments on each leg, tail and neck or there-lack-of.
His human form is that of a slender but toned man. Zheyuan has several tattoos over his body, notably on his face, chest and hips along with a noticeable womb tattoo. He is generally loosely dressed, preferring to wear little to no clothing. He is often seen wearing a long skirt with a slit, making it very easy to take off.
Zheyuan does have a more modest and more clothed version of himself, often using this form when going, staying in a place among humans or when he takes on his female form, though it is not used often.
Personality: His nature can often conflict with himself. As much as he dislikes humans he cannot help but love the way they are finding them to be quite interesting. Zheyuan does care for the people close to him but often he does not fully express his feelings. Despite being half succubus and having the ability to charm and sway people to his desires, it is a power he does not use often. Zheyuan has a tendency to 'play with his food' before attempting to drain qi.
Zheyuan is quite a lonely person and does want company. He would display an upbeat front and be friendly unless treated wrongly then he would return the behavior, having a ‘treat others the way you want to be treated.’ mentality. Zheyuan is not prone to anger, often reflecting a person's behavior back to them or even going as far as to joke and tease them. If angered enough he can and will get physical towards the person, but most often will verbally lash out before getting physical.
He can be quite indecisive. He likes independence but depending on the situation he will be very dependent. Zheyuan is smart, although; he is very oblivious to the ways of love and can and will get trapped in obvious traps if it means he gets to be close to an individual. He loves to flirt and he would flirt and tease friends and even strangers. His actions and words make him sound as if he goes out to get laid, which is usually never the case. He has short term memory loss and forgets things. (Although, it was found out that he doesn’t actually have short term memory loss and is only pretending as a defensive mechanism to appear as non-threatening)
Being hurt emotionally one too many times, he can and will detach from his emotions wanting to examine things without a clouded judgment. He can feel his emotions, and quite deeply, although; he would rather put them to the side. This does not mean he can’t cry, he can cry but often he would rather have no one know. It hurts his heart to feel such deep and powerful emotions.
He can and will get stubborn like a cat and would upturn his nose to things he finds distasteful such as things that appear to be ugly, such as ugly emotions like anger and jealousy, although he is guilty of having such emotions himself. Zheyuan can and will point out things, although; sometimes he would let it slide wanting to keep a sort of peace.
- Zheyuan can transform into a domestic feline and is able to communicate through telepathy, but he cannot hear the thoughts of another person. He can only share his thoughts with them.
- He is able to absorb Qi through affectionate touches such as getting petted or kissing. Zheyuan can choose if he wants to take a person Qi or not. Being able to absorb Qi, he is able to sense an individual's Qi strength and foundation and if/or when they may go into Qi deviation.
- He is able to convert qi into demonic qi or spiritual qi at will, and often exchanges the two when he takes qi from someone else. (It may suggest that Zheyuan is able to turn a human into a demon or at least speed up the process, but it only works if they willingly change their cultivation toward demonic cultivation)
- Seduction and charm abilities. Based on Zheyuan’s power, fully binded he can seduce other monsters and some humans, but someone with a strong spiritual base may not be affected. // His saliva does carry an aphrodisiac, virgins are affected most by this but eventually becomes less effective the more Zheyuan sleeps with the same individual. A strong spiritual base individual may not be affected at all.
-If Zheyuan were to have his bracelets removed, his stored power floods through. His true appearance is that of a large Jaguar(8.5ft tall/259.08 cm). Zheyuan finds difficulty in controlling his hidden and primal instincts, often lashing out and attacking a friend or foe. *He often advises to leave one gold bracelet or the neck piece, giving him the ability to control himself.
-He has a very high pain tolerance, finding things that should be painful; pleasurable. The true form of pain he experiences is mental, emotional or spiritual.


-He is colorblind, and cannot see the colors Red, Orange the light side of Purple and Brown.
Colors he can see are Blue, Light Blue, a few shades of Purple and Green as well as Yellow.
-Zheyuan has a very pleasant and soothing singing voice.
-He loves to sunbathe and would spend much of his time laying around in the sun.
-He likes to be hand fed and pampered.
-The only way Zheyuan can experience true pain is through mental/physiological, going through a heat or having his enchantments being placed back onto him.